Course organized by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in collaboration with Kenya Space Agency and with the support of United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

The course is hosted by the ASI Broglio Space Centre (BSC) - Malindi, Kenya, 9 -13 December 2019

DEADLINE EXTENSION: new deadline for Submission of Applications: 27 October 2019

All the infos available in the annoucement published below 

Since the beginning of the space era, international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space has provided impetus for the development of international mechanisms and infrastructures for space cooperation at international, regional, interregional and national levels. In addition, in 2015, after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda calling for action by all Countries to improve the lives of people everywhere,  governments, civil society and the United Nations started mobilizing efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) set by the Agenda itself.

The use of space technologies in the attainment of higher levels of social, economic and environmental development has gained increasing importance and today they are key to the achievement of the SDGs and 2030 Agenda. To this regard, the Broglio Space Center  (BSC) in Malindi, Kenya, represents one of the few facilities in the world that, thanks to its equatorial position and consolidated infrastructure with high-level technological capabilities and qualified human resources, can definitely contribute - with other international space institutions - to the goals of educating and training young African students to capacity building in Space Sciences and technologies as well as to the use of satellite data, in particular, of  Remote Sensing data. Being centered on the legacy and expertise developed by Italy and Kenya in more than 50 years of cooperation in space activities, the Broglio Space Centre can effectively contribute to the promotion and achievement  of the SDG’s. This is why Italy and Kenya are committed to building up an International Center for Space Education at the BSC in Malindi and provide an opportunity to further demonstrate the broad societal benefits of space as an area of inspiration, integration and innovation to address the long-term development concerns of society related to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This Training course is aimed at uncovering the potential of Earth observation, remote sensing, space sciences as tools for providing fundamental applications and services and space policy.

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