Il Direttore della Stazione Internazionale all'iniziativa promossa da Missione Usa in Italia e l'Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. Appuntamento martedì 7 alle 15, su Youtube e ASITV

From home to Space  vi accompagnerà per il Cosmo con la vostra astronave Casa.

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Missione USA in Italia e Agenzia Spaziale Italiana vi raccontano lo Spazio. Con due appuntamenti a settimana, in alternanza tra interlocutori italiani e statunitensi, testimoni della conquista umana, scientifica e tecnologica dello spazio vi introdurranno al mondo fuori dal nostro mondo: il Cosmo. Ci racconteranno le conquiste del passato e quelle del presente, ma soprattutto i programmi e le ricerche per quelle a venire.

invitano ad un incontro con

Sam Scimemi 

Director for International Space Station (ISS)  – NASA Headquarters

“From the ISS to the Moon and Mars”

Martedì, 7 aprile ore 15:00

per partecipare:

Il programma è interattivo e si svolgerà in inglese

Usando la funzione Q&A potete inviare quesiti a cui l’ospite risponderà in diretta

#nonmancate #iorestoacasa

Prossimi appuntamenti

Giovedì 11 alle 15 con Mamta Patel Nagaraja della NASA

Martedì 14 alle 15 con Gabriele Mascetti ASI

Giovedì 16 alle 15 con Eleonora Ammanito ASI

Sam Scimemi 

Director for International Space Station (ISS), NASA Headquarters 

Mr. Scimemi is the Director for International Space Station (ISS) at NASA Headquarters within the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate. His duties consist of ensuring safe and productive onboard operations and utilization and implementing policy and programmatic direction. He regularly engages with the White House and Congress, as well as international space agency leaders around the world regarding human spaceflight issues.  He has been instrumental in the development of NASA’s plans for human exploration beyond LEO and for the development of a commercial market in LEO.  In addition, Mr. Scimemi is the NASA liaison to the ISS National Laboratory implementing organization, the Center for the Advancement of Science In Space (CASIS). 

Mr. Scimemi has been a leader in human spaceflight for 30 years.  He started his career at the Johnson Space Center in the Shuttle program 2 months prior to the Challenger accident.  He has worked as a civil servant and in private industry.  He has been employed at four NASA centers:  Johnson Space Center, Ames Research Center, Goddard Space Flight Center, and Headquarters.  His experience spans human spaceflight, Earth and space science including programs such as Space Shuttle, Hubble, Space Station, SOFIA, NPP and many others.  Most of his technical career has been spent in flight software and avionics development, testing and operations as well spacecraft level integration. He has been at NASA Headquarters since 2003. 

He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from McNeese State University in 1984 and is a native of Louisiana. 

ISS – International Space Station 

Launched in 1998 and involving the United States, Russia, Canada, Japan, and the participating countries of the European Space Agency, the International Space Station (ISS) is one of the most ambitious international collaborations ever attempted. The largest space station ever constructed, astronauts from 18 countries have visited it. An international crew of six people live and work while traveling at a speed of five miles per second, orbiting Earth about every 90 minutes. In 24 hours, the space station makes 16 orbits of Earth, traveling through 16 sunrises and sunsets. 

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