The Italian Space Agency intends to continuously promote the data utilization of COSMO-SkyMed mission, including both the First and Second generation of satellites (here in after "COSMO-SkyMed constellation"), for basic and applied research purposes and scientific
The "COSMO-SkyMed Constellation First and Second Generation - Open Call for Science" replaces the previous initiative "COSMO-SkyMed Constellation - Open Call for Science", published in 2015, with the aim to ensure the exploitation of ASI-owned SAR data by the national
and international scientific community.
The main objectives of the Call include the scientific research promotion and the development of new methods and algorithms to achieve new SAR applications, as well as the improvement of applications based on X-band (SAR) products of COSMO-SkyMed Constellation.
ASI expects to receive innovative proposals taking advantage of the COSMO-SkyMed peculiarities, also considering the synergies with other Earth Observation missions, in the context of ESA or other international cooperation, based on the complementarity of remote sensing data.
The received proposals will be assessed according to the Call criteria. Based on the positive assessment by the ad hoc Commission, the eligible proposals will be able to exploit a quota of COSMO-SkyMed products free of charge, up to a maximum of 100 scenes for each project (80% from the archive mission and 20% from new acquisition).
The proposals submission is allowed only through the web platform "Archimede", after registration according to the procedure described in the link below. The full text of the Call initiative including the instructions that proposers must follow to submit their proposals is available below.