The Italian Space Agency (ASI), as the national agency of reference in the aerospace sector, in pursuing the goals indicated in its Statute and in Legislative Decree no. 128/2003, has holdings, as a minority or majority shareholder, in joint-stock companies, in partnership with public and private bodies, and based on each specific case, implements diversified governance and business management policies.
All of ASI’s holdings are possessed and aimed at pursuing its institutional goals and periodically undergo review, in order to verify that they are up-to-date and economically and financially sustainable. In particular, ASI has minority shareholdings in ALTEC S.P.A., SPACELAB S.P.A. and e-GEOS S.P.A. ASI is also co-founder of a shareholding Foundation named “Fondazione E. Amaldi”, duly listed in the Rome Prefecture Registry of Legal Entities. Lastly, ASI adheres to associations whose aims are consistent with its own institutional purposes.
This section contains information, which is published and constantly updated, inherent to the companies controlled by ASI or in which ASI is a shareholder, along with the other forms of shareholding in which it is involved, also pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 33/2013, as modified by Legislative Decree no. 97/2016. Further information on ASI's holdings can also be found in the specific section of ASI's institutional website, entitled “Amministrazione Trasparente” (click here).