Sun cubE onE (SEE)

Sector: Astrophisics/Space weather 

Number of satellites: 1

Form factor: 12 U

Form factor: 6 U

Sun cubE onE (SEE) is a 12U CubeSat that, placed on a Sun Synchronous Orbit (SSO) at 550 km, will study the ultraviolet (UV), soft-X and Gamma emission of our star. SEE will enable studies on solar activity, Sun-Earth relationships, space weather and space security. SEE's main objectives include estimating the emission of solar flares, from soft-X to Gamma rays, and monitoring solar activity through images of the Sun in the Mg II doublet (280 nm). Soft-X and Gamma flows will be acquired with unprecedented temporal resolution and with a multi-wavelength approach thanks to the use of SiPM detectors. The spectrum of flares will be explored by keV to MeV energies with a nominal rate up to 10 kHz and with single photon detection capability. The UV telescope will allow to observe the evolution of UV emission on the solar disk both during part of the solar cycle and during flares. The UV emission at 280 nm is commonly used as a proxy of solar magnetic activity in the Sun-as-a-star paradigm and has relevance for the study of the thermosphere, ionosphere and stratospheric ozone. SEE data will be ancillary to radiative and particle data from space and terrestrial instruments (eg Solar Orbiter, CSES, GOES, DKIST, TSST) and geomagnetic data in a multi-messenger approach.



Proposing team: Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Prime), INFN-Structure of Rome Tor Vergata, Sapienza-School of Aerospace Engineering, ARGOTEC S.r.l., NEXT Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A., Optec S.p.A.


‣ News


PLATiNO Programme: signed the long term agreement ‣

In the presence of Hon. Riccardo Fraccaro, Undersecretary of State at the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers,  of Giorgio Saccoccia,  President of Italian Space Agency (ASI), and of Vito Pertosa, founder of Angel Group , the companies Sitael, Thales Alenia Space Italia, Leonardo and Airbus signed the long-term agreement for the commercialization and industrialization of PLATiNO Programme. MORE...