The ASI initiatives to promote scientific education and support teaching 

The ASI promotes the education and circulation of scientific culture and works to attract young people to a technical-scientific career, to increase the interest towards space activities and make the potential of this sector known. 

The Agency carries out and participates in international and national activities to promote aerospace research, teaching and communication, targeted at students and teachers from Italian schools of all levels, by offering useful educative projects and products to support the study and in-depth analysis of the scientific topics related to Space. 

Science is a key tool to learn more about the world where we live and understand it, and the space programmes provide an amazing opportunity for scientific education activities, considering their great attractiveness to the collective imagination. Leveraging on this curiosity is useful to encourage a deeper interest in science and technology, to bring boys and girls closer to the technical-scientific studies and to create the pool of scientists, researchers and technicians Italy needs.

For further information, please contact us by sending an e-mail to 

The creation of educational resources based on space science allows Italian teachers and students to experiment with technical-scientific subjects in an interdisciplinary and innovative way, by supporting learning in the classroom
The creation of educational projects and initiatives based on space science allows to bring Italian schools closer to Space and attract young people, by stimulating their motivation

‣ News


The effect if the wildfire in California observed by PRISMA satellite ‣

PRISMA maps the Palisades area



COSMO-SkyMed carried out radar acquisitions to analyse tanker collision in the Black Sea ‣

On Sunday 15th December, bad weather conditions led to an accident involving two oil tankers, resulting in an oil spill in the Kerch Strait. Through COSMO-SkyMed satellites by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and Ministero della Difesa, e-GEOS carried out Radar acquisitions to analyse the area affected by the possible presence of spills from tankers. In the following image, processed via the e-GEOS SEonSE application platform for maritime domain monitoring, the positions and characteristics of the identified oil spills are highlighted. Photo credit:  Black Sea. COSMO-SkyMed Image © ASI. Processed and distributed by e-GEOS                 Image details: COSMO-SkyMed ORDER ID =  3186470 e-GEOS ORDER NUMBER = 24F29157-15 AREA NAME = Feasibility_MN_CSK Product Number 1 ACQUISITION MODE =  STR_HIMAGE ORBIT PASS =  ASCENDING LOOKING MODE =  RIGHT PROCESSING LEVEL =  DGM_B ACQUISITION START TIME =  2024-12-19 02:57:22.528192 ACQUISITION STOP TIME =  2024-12-19 02:57:29.233727 SATELLITE =  SAR1 PRODUCT_FILE_NAME = CSKS1_DGM_B_HI_0A_VV_RA_FF_20241219025723_20241219025729.h5


Memorandum of Understanding signed between ASI and the Commissioner General’s Office for Italy at Expo 2025 Osaka ‣

The protocol is intended to promote national excellence in technologies applied to the space and aerospace industries MORE...


Listening to cochlear sounds to estimate intracranial pressure changes on the ISS ‣

New results from the ASI experiment Acoustic Diagnostics MORE...


JUICE’s RIME Radar Pings the Moon and Listens to Earth ‣

ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, Juice, launched the 14th April 2023, will make detailed observations of the giant gas planet and its three moons – Ganymede, Callisto and Europa – with a suite of the state-of-the-art instruments MORE...