Expiration date for expressions of interest from postdoctoral researchers: July 1st, 2023

Let's Space! Research project proposals to progress on the path of Space knowledge

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality.

Fellowships will be provided to excellent researchers, undertaking international mobility either to or between EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries, as well as to non-associated Third Countries. Applications will be made jointly by the researcher and a beneficiary like the Italian Space Agency (ASI).

For full details visit the call page on the EU Funding & Tenders portal

The Italian Space Agency launches “Let's Space! Research project proposals to progress on the path of Space knowledge” in order to offer the opportunity for hosting MSCA Postdoctoral European Fellowships on a wide spectrum of frontier research to advance in the field of Universe, Space and Earth sciences:

  • Close collaborations with ASI expert supervisors to enhance the quality of the research programs and of knowledge transfer
  • Access to ground/space research infrastructures to extend the program objectives and impacts
  • Training on strategic fields for improved international career perspectives

The “ASI Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023” call for European Postdoctoral Fellowship is open. The ASI call will close on 1st July 2023.Notification of results to ASI tutor and the researcher by 8th July 2023.The deadline for submitting proposals to the European Commission is 13th September 2023.The European Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to researchers moving within Europe or coming to Europe from another part of the world to pursue their research career. These fellowships take place in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country and can last between 1 and 2 years. Researchers of any nationality can apply. If you are interested in ASI MSCA Hosting Offers contact the ASI Staff involved in the programme. ASI MSCA Hosting Offers.

A presentation on “Let's Space! Research project proposals to progress on the path of Space knowledge” is available here.

Research Field: Earth observation from Space

  • Application of Hyperspectral PRISMA data: from CO2 and CH4 retrieval to the future perspective in Hazard Assessment

ASI contact person:


  • Integration of multi-sensor data from satellite, airborne and ground-based sensors for point-wise gas emission sources in natural and urban environments

ASI contact person:

  • Mario Siciliani de Cumis/Researcher, mario.sicilianidecumis@asi.it
  • Deodato Tapete/Researcher, deodato.tapete@asi.it


Research Field: Space program planning

  • Cost analysis for complex space systems and space missions

ASI contact person:


Research Field: Solar System, Space Weather and Exoplanet Climatology

  • The dynamics of small-scale magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere over a solar cycle

ASI contact person:


  • Machine Learning for Automation in Data Selection onboard Space Missions

ASI contact person:


  • Exo-climatology by means of ExoplAn3T-ARTECS interconnection

ASI contact person:


Research Field: Fundamental Physics and Cosmology

  • Spectroscopy studies at millimeter wavelengths: constraining the evolution of the Universe with CMB spectral distortions

ASI contact person:


  • Research programs to advance in the frontiers of astroparticle physics in space

ASI contact person:



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