LICIACube data archived and enhanced by ASI-SSDC ‣
The role of ASI also comprise data management and dissemination, by managing the Scientific Operations Center (SOC) made possible thanks to the Space Science Data Center
The role of ASI also comprise data management and dissemination, by managing the Scientific Operations Center (SOC) made possible thanks to the Space Science Data Center
New Detailed Study on IGR J18249-3243 radio galaxy
The CALET experiment is a Japanese lead mission by JAXA, in collaboration with NASA and ASI with a strong participation of Italian scientists
A new astronomical database containing the recalibrated measurements from all main large spectroscopic surveys has just been released to the international scientific community. This unprecedented database, named SoS (Survey of […]
The space telescope, with three important, made in Italy instruments aboard, was launched at dawn. It will conduct studies based on X-ray polarimetry
The deep space journey of the Italian Space Agency’s satellite has started. The satellite was developed and manufactured by Argotec, which will be tasked with acting as a photojournalist for […]
LICIACube has the important task of watching DART’s final maneuver a deliberate crash into an asteroid and its effects
A Rapid Response System Experiment performed at TNG within NEOROCKS project
NEOROCKS s an EU H2020 project coordinated by INAF and involving 12 partners from 8 different countries