30 Agencies and their respective leaders attended the Summit

04 December 2023

Teodoro Valente, president of the Italian Space Agency, participated today in the first-ever Space Agencies Leaders’ Summit organized by the UAE Space Agency on the occasion of COP 28 Space for Sustainability being held in Dubai these days. 30 Agencies and their respective leaders attended the Summit. The proceedings were opened by the Minister of Education and Technology, Sarah Al Amiri, who is also the Chairwoman of the UAE Space Agency.

The Italian Space Agency shared with the other agencies the experience gained from the earth observation data of the COSMO-SkyMed constellation, SIASGE in partnership with CONAE and the PRISMA national satellite, as well as ongoing efforts and activities with the United Nations, within COPUOS and with the World Food Program. Special emphasis was also given to the Agency's efforts through ESA and EU programs such as Copernicus.

All of the participating space agencies adopted the Pledge for Enhancing Space-Based Climate Initiatives, which confirms their commitment to enhancing data sharing, strengthening climate research, promoting sustainable space operations, raising public awareness about climate change and enhancing the use of space technology to develop global solutions such as those related to climate protection in the shortest time possible.

President Valente also said he was very pleased to be in Dubai today to make a concrete contribution to the research on and understanding of climate change. He added that he was proud that Italy has invested 100 million euros to achieve the COP 28 goals through the Loss and Damage Fund.

Later on, the ASI delegation met with the Italian ambassador to the UAE, Lorenzo Fanara, and the UAE Space Agency with which it is cooperating on the Emirates Mission to the Asteroid Belt (EMA) providing a spectrometer. Today, Dec. 5, the ASI delegation, consisting of Gabriella Arrigo, Director of International Affairs, and Danilo Rubini, Head of International Relations, is scheduled to visit the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre to confirm the common interest in space exploration, both countries being signatories to the Artemis Accords with NASA. President Valente also met with the UAE prime minister.

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