New data policy from 2 May 2022

21 April 2022

With the entry into force of the new PRISMA data policy, starting from 2 May 2022, the organizations that intend to use PRISMA to feed new services to be provided commercially, will be able to send registration requests qualifying as commercial users.

The commercial exploitation of PRISMA Derivatives products (products obtained from the original ones through an irreversible transformation) is allowed only to users who register as a group with the Main User belonging to an organization with operational headquarters in Italy and active in the field of Earth observation. The composition of the group, except for what related to the Main User, is not subject to further restrictions therefore it is also allowed to users of any nationality and affiliation. Even in the case of commercial exploitation, the images will continue to be given free of charge for the user.

Through this new data policy ASI intend to expand the PRISMA user community by further promoting the development of hyperspectral data processing technologies and allowing organizations with an adequate know-how to make profits from the sale of innovative services based on PRISMA data. Finally, participation to the commercial exploitation of PRISMA data by non-national organizations too, will contribute to a possible improvement of Italian industrial capacities.

‣ News


The effect if the wildfire in California observed by PRISMA satellite ‣

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COSMO-SkyMed carried out radar acquisitions to analyse tanker collision in the Black Sea ‣

On Sunday 15th December, bad weather conditions led to an accident involving two oil tankers, resulting in an oil spill in the Kerch Strait. Through COSMO-SkyMed satellites by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and Ministero della Difesa, e-GEOS carried out Radar acquisitions to analyse the area affected by the possible presence of spills from tankers. In the following image, processed via the e-GEOS SEonSE application platform for maritime domain monitoring, the positions and characteristics of the identified oil spills are highlighted. Photo credit:  Black Sea. COSMO-SkyMed Image © ASI. Processed and distributed by e-GEOS                 Image details: COSMO-SkyMed ORDER ID =  3186470 e-GEOS ORDER NUMBER = 24F29157-15 AREA NAME = Feasibility_MN_CSK Product Number 1 ACQUISITION MODE =  STR_HIMAGE ORBIT PASS =  ASCENDING LOOKING MODE =  RIGHT PROCESSING LEVEL =  DGM_B ACQUISITION START TIME =  2024-12-19 02:57:22.528192 ACQUISITION STOP TIME =  2024-12-19 02:57:29.233727 SATELLITE =  SAR1 PRODUCT_FILE_NAME = CSKS1_DGM_B_HI_0A_VV_RA_FF_20241219025723_20241219025729.h5


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