The contracts relating to the “Enabling, cross-cutting technologies” funding scheme for research and development are in the early stage, whereas the contracts relating to the “New ideas for the future space components” are about to be completed. In the aftermath of the ASI deliberation of 10/04/2018, that approved the scrolling of the “New ideas for the future space components” ranking list, all the 23 projects placed in a useful position in the ranking list will be carried out.
The tender aims at giving visibility to those radically innovative technological developments, which are currently at a low/very low technology readiness level (TRL), from laboratories, universities, national research centres and industry operators and that are capable of guaranteeing future evolutions and applications in the space sector. Starting from a first ideation (TRL1) and technology conceptualization (TRL), there are several, often complex steps before reaching space qualification (TRL): through this initiative, the ASI is willing to promote the development of verification projects for new technology concepts until reaching a TRL3 or 4 (based on the initial TRL), with a demonstration of experimental feasibility and the manufacturing of a laboratory prototype for highly-innovative, space-enabling technologies.
The projects aim at promoting the creation and development of space-enabling technologies to be used in future ASI space programmes, at stimulating the technological leap in the space sector, by encouraging a “mining” activities of innovative ideas from institutions (universities, research bodies, etc.) and in industrial sectors other than the space sector, and at consolidating the excellence roles in critical and strategic areas for the national space community, both scientific and industrial.