Lake Varese is one of the small lakes in the south of the Alps. It is a monomictic and eutrophic shallow lake, with a mean depth of 11 m, a maximum depth of 26 m, a surface area of 14.8 km2.
The semi-empirical algorithm based on the adaptive band ratio of spectral bands in the red / near infrared region applied to the PRISMA image of 16 October 2021 made it possible to produce the map of chlorophyll concentration present in the euphotic layer of Lake Varese waters. The excessive growth of cyanobacteria in the Lake Varese is creating many problems that need accurate and spatial information to be addressed.
This image is a crop of a 30 km x 30 km acquisition of PRISMA, and was processed in the framework of the ASI project “Sviluppo di Prodotti Iperspettrali Prototipali Evoluti” whose main objective is the prototyping of a subset of L3 / L4 value-added products to be retrieved by means of hyperspectral data processing. Among the prototypes under development, there is the Water Quality product, which aims at analysing the following parameters: Phytoplankton, Total Suspended Matter, Bottom Substrate.
Data/Information generated by e-GEOS, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-Istituto di Scienze Marine (CNR-ISMAR), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente (CNR-IREA), under an ASI License to Use; Original PRISMA Product - © ASI – (2021).
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