This picture, obtained from an elaboration of the red, green and blue bands of a L2D PRISMA acquisition, shows a portion of the Sundarbans area during the dry season of December 2020.
The Sundarbans are characterized by a number of tidal streams and channels and extensive mangrove forests, located at the Bangladesh-India border. This complex ecosystem extends up to the bay of Bengal, in the vast Ganges-Brahmaputra rivers delta, and is home for unique species, such as the Bengal Tiger. The area is subject to large tidal and seasonal hydrological variations.
Local populations thrived on the resources offered by this region, as it has sustained agricultural, fishing and logging activities, and it also provided shelter against natural hazards, but this coastal area is increasingly subject to subsidence and loss of biodiversity.
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Data/Information generated by F. Serva and L. Ansalone under an ASI License to Use; Original PRISMA Product - © ASI - (2020)