Started on 25 March 2021, the Monthly Research Colloquia of ASI (MoRe-ASI) organized by the Italian Space Agency aim to disseminate and discuss scientific results in Space Sciences

03 May 2021

Started on 25 March 2021, the Monthly Research Colloquia of ASI (MoRe-ASI) organized by the Italian Space Agency aim to disseminate and discuss scientific results in Space Sciences, keeping the community updated with the related research progress. Each month one speaker presents latest interests and findings in one (or more) thematic areas related to the study of the Universe, including Space Astrophysics and High Energy Astrophysics, Solar System Sciences, Cosmology, Exoplanetary Sciences, and Life Sciences. The MoRe-ASI seminar series aims also to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration across teams and within the scientific communities at large. Due to the COVID-19 emergency all seminars in 2021 are going to be held on line.

To support the initiative, a dedicated webpage has been created ( where information on the More-ASI annual schedule and content of future talks can be obtained. The webpage allows also access to the material related to past-seminars including webinar videos and talk abstracts.

‣ News

No news available at the moment.