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SCOUT framework Info day for the Italian community

21 May 2024

Introduction and objectives

The Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the European Space Agency (ESA) are organizing the “SCOUT framework Info Day for the Italian community” to present to the Italian community the Scout framework and the upcoming opportunities for Italian entities to participate in the relevant activities.

Complementing the well-established series of Earth Explorer missions, Scout missions are a new category of Small satellite included in the Research Missions of the ESA Future Earth Observation programme. This family of small satellites delivers value-added science, either by miniaturising existing space technologies or by demonstrating new observing techniques. Importantly, the overarching aim is to achieve all these goals quickly and within budget.

The event will take place at ASI HQ on 21st May 2024 and will be only in presence. ESA will present the Scout framework and key features, the lessons learnt from the first Scout cycle, the timeline and the preparation for the second Scout cycle.

In addition, dedicated B2B meetings will be organized between ESA and potential interested Italian economic operators.

An overview of the agenda

10:00-10:15 Welcome and Introduction
10:15-11:15 General presentation of the Scout framework and key features (with specific focus on the science objectives)
11:15- 11:45 Lessons learnt from the first Scout cycle
11:45 – 12:15 Timeline and preparation for the second Scout cycle (30 min)
12:15-13:30 Q&A
13:30-14:30 Lunch Break
14:30-16:00 B2B meetings


Target audience

The Info Day is open to participants from Universities, Research Centers, Startups, Value adders, and Industries.

Registration and instructions to book your Bilateral Meetings

ESA offers the opportunity to have individual B2B meetings with experts of the Scout framework. The B2B meetings will last up to 15 minutes within the selected timeslot and will be organized in the order of registration “first come – first served basis”.

To participate in the event as auditors or for a B2B meeting, please complete the registration form available here.

Alternatively, you can use the following QR-code:

The deadline for the registration is 14/05/2024.

Communications to participants

Notification of acceptance to participate in the B2B meeting will be sent to the e-mail address used during the registration phase.

For further information, please contact eo@asi.it


21 May 2024
