The International Project/Programme Management Committee (IPMC) Young Professionals
Workshop seeks to gather inputs from young professionals in the international space community to gain
the knowledge they need to better develop and empower the next-generation workforce. The name, contact information, résumé, theme preference as well as a short motivation letter for the nominations are to be sent to the Workshop Organizing Committee before Friday April 15th 2022.
The delegates for this workshop are asked to attend the final event as well as the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) and would fit the profile of a young professional. Young professionals are typically defined as being age 35 and under and having at least one to two years of experience on a project team and/or in the aerospace industry. A diversity of backgrounds (e.g., engineering, management, science, etc.) is encouraged in order to produce thoughtful and well-rounded observations and recommendations that will be presented to the IPMC. The delegates will be working in teams on the workshop topics via Skype, email, Webex, Slack, Zoom, etc. with the kickoff meeting foreseen early May. To each team, a mentor will be assigned to support the working group’s advance in their research. For the 2022 Workshop, five topics have been defined by the Workshop Organizing Committee andIPMC.
The delegates have the chance to work on one of the following topics:
Topic 1: Commercial space: challenges and opportunities for Project Management
Topic 2: Delivering digital transformation and building Digital Governance in an ESG-focused world
Topic 3: Project management in a VUCA world: effects on the workforce wellbeing
Topic 4: Space projects without frontiers: how to leverage cooperation and organizational diversity
Topic 5: Sustainability of space projects
For further details:
Call for Delegate Nominations for the 2022 IPMC Young Professionals Workshop
2022 Young Professionals Workshop Statement of Work