The prototypal processor “Urban Material Map” was developed in the framework of the ASI-funded project “Sviluppo di Prodotti Iperspettrali Prototipali Evoluti” whose main objective was the prototyping of several L3 / L4 value-added products to be retrieved by means of processing PRISMA hyperspectral data.
The image shows the abundance map of three different materials for the city of Bari (Italy) derived from a PRISMA acquisition of September 2021. On the left is shown the map related to PVC (in the small figure a detail of an industrial fabric covered by PVC); in the center, the figure shows the map related to concrete (the detail is a zoom on a high-density populated area of the city). Finally, on the right, the map related to metals (in the small figure a detail of a container storage area).
Data/Information generated by Planetek Italia, under an ASI License to Use; Original PRISMA Product - © ASI – (2021).
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