PRISMA, the Italian hyperspectral mission launched in 2019 and currently in operations, is one of the two hyperspectral data sources (the other being the NASA ECOSTRESS onboard ISS) supporting the “EO Africa – Explorers”, a competitive project whose ITT has been recently launched by ESA. The aim of this project is to enable the development and demonstration of innovative EO analysis techniques focused on sustainable agricultural practices and/or drought monitoring matters.
In the scope of this activity, ESA intends to implement up to four (4) separate contracts tackling different topics, applied datasets and geographical areas of interest, with no overlap across the projects. The maximum FFP per contract is of 300,000 EUR with an additional Ceiling Price with maximum budget of 10,000 EUR for each contract. ESA and ASI retains the right to coordinate with the selected Contractor/s the PRISMA new acquisition needs, to optimise and update the data volume and time-related specifications (e.g., modify the number of requested acquisitions, find synergies with other projects, anticipate or postpone acquisitions) without jeopardising the project success. The ITT closes on 21/01/2022 13:00 CET.
More information can be found on: