La nuova strategia europea per rafforzare la sicurezza informatica

Il 14 maggio alle ore 10 - Live su Repubblica e sulla pagina Facebook del Parlamento Europeo in Italia La sicurezza informatica, il quadro finanziario 2021-2027 e i fondi Next Generation EU per un piano d’investimento e innovazione che punti sulla cybersecurity, sono i temi al centro del webinar 'La nuova strategia europea per rafforzare […]


Tuesday 29th March 2022, from 9:00 to 12:00 An Information Session on the Italian PNRR Earth Observation project will be held on Tuesday 29th March 2022, from 9:00 to 12:00. It will be held by remote connection. The event is hosted by the PNRR EO ESA-ASI Integrated Project Team (IPT) and it is targeted to […]

Space Finance: how to prepare for an investment round

Free webinar - Tuesday, July 19, 2022, starting at 16:00 CEST The webinar "Space Finance: how to prepare for an investment round", organized as part of the activities of ESA BIC Turin, is an opportunity to get in touch with Primo Space Fund, Italy's first venture capital fund and one of the few in the […]